What is NeuroKinetic Therapy?
When you stretch your muscles do the results last? Or do you feel within minutes of getting up and moving around that the results were washed away?
Does the same thing happen after you foam roll…or after a massage…or after the chiropractic adjustment…or after a therapy session?
This is where NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) fits in…
NKT was developed by bodyworker and educator David Weinstock, in conjunction with other peers, who noted that the motor control center of the brain was responsible for shutting down certain muscles and forcing other muscles to work overtime.
You recognize the muscles that are shut down as being “weak”. And you recognize the over-worked muscles as being “tight”.
These are both results of the compensation pattern that has become your new “normal”. And this compensation is the reason behind why you struggle to reach certain goals…
It explains why a particular lift in the gym doesn’t improve despite weeks of training…
Why you keep “hitting the wall” with conditioning…
Or why the effects of an injury hang around for far too long…
NKT is an important tool that can tell us the precise relationship between over-worked muscles and muscles that have been shut down.
By first identifying that relationship, the process can then be fixed.
Reduce pain and improve performance
At Modern Athlete PT, NKT principles are used in conjunction with other assessment and treatment tools, such as Postural Restoration, the Selective Functional Movement Assessment, or Dry Needling.
This fits with our philosophy of “treat the source of the problem, not just the pain”.
By identifying which muscles are over-worked and influencing a pattern of weakness, we’re able to provide targeted treatment that has a meaningful affect on the compensation patterns that have dominated how you move.

The initial results are tremendous and often immediate…
Less pain…
Effortless range of motion…
Improved strength and control…
And all because of a simple process! By removing the problem and ensuring your body relearns a more efficient movement pattern, you’re able to make a big impact on how you feel and perform.
Are you interested in finding out if NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) may be helpful for you? If so, I can help answer that question (and any others) at your free 30-minute Discovery Visit.
Discovery Visits are informational sessions designed to provide you with the answers to help you feel more confident about making the decision that’s best for you…
And there’s no risk to you for scheduling a Discovery Visit…It’s 100% free. Plus, there’s no need to get a referral from your doctor or check with your insurance.
Your only investment is the 30 minutes to complete the Discovery Visit. You’ll begin by telling me about your issues, then I’ll put you through a basic assessment. From there, I’ll be better able to answer your questions, including what I see going on and the various ways you may find a solution.
(Of course, you understand that since this is a free informational visit, no treatment will be provided.)
Click on the button above to learn more about Discovery Visits and find out if NKT will help you reach your goals faster!