We use a specialized fusion of therapy and performance methods to help active, motivated individuals perform at their highest level…
We address your body’s issues in a unique way to restore the effortless control of how your body was designed to work…
We’ll help you get back in control of how you want to live your life!
Let’s cut right to the chase…
You can receive “rehab” from a variety of different professionals. And professionals within each field will use many different types of methods.
So how do you know what’s going to be worth your time and energy?
The best I can do for you is be honest in what I provide to you… and why I feel it will get you to your goals AND keep you moving along at a high level of activity for years to come.
First, let me start by telling you what you will NOT get at Modern Athlete PT…
Your treatment won’t consist of gentle, feel-good massages (sorry). We don’t set you up with a hot pack and e-stim while you thumb through a magazine. And you won’t be in and out in 10 minutes after a pop and a crack.
What you will get is my complete and undivided attention during each and every session. No multi-tasking. No overlapping of clients. Just the two of us (and whoever you choose to join us).
The time you spend with me is about YOU…Plain and simple.
Each activity we go through together will have a specific purpose designed to get you to your goals and keep you moving forward. There’s no fluff here to waste your time.
Your treatment activities — whether geared to get rid of pain or improve performance — are targeted. They need my focus. And they need your focus.
Remember, you and I will be doing this together…
…All you’ll need to supply is the determination to reach your goals, and I’ll put you on the best path possible and stay by your side to make sure the end result is better than you expected.
So if you’re fed up with the pain…
Tired of struggling with the stiffness…
Or frustrated by your body’s lack of performance despite your hard work…
Then my approach to restoring your body’s physical potential may be the perfect compliment to your determination to make a change!!!
In fact, I believe that…
Your motivation to reach a specific goal is the key trait in securing a successful outcome…
You need to be determined to make a lasting change for yourself. Otherwise, you’re just “managing” symptoms.
Being fueled by a clear goal is important…
And if I’m going to be a good fit for you then I’ll need to know what’s motivating you.
Please think seriously about this question…
How motivated are YOU to get your body to change?
Because what I find going on with your body and how I suggest to fix it may be very different from what you were expecting…remember, no fluff!
So are you open to unique treatment that targets your body’s needs? Needs you may not have even considered (and previous therapists or doctors have completely overlooked)?
Are you motivated strongly enough to put in the necessary effort? Because in order to make a fix you’ll be given (manageable) homework to keep up with (assuming you don’t want to schedule sessions every day!)…
And this homework will require your focus. It will be challenging at first.
But if if doesn’t challenge you then how could you expect it to change you…?
I want to show you how you can get back control of your body.
But more than that, I want to help you get back that feeling of control — that feeling of “I GOT THIS!” — when it comes to pursuing your goals.
And the end result should be you smiling and happy and confident again!
I’ve found that the clients who are smiling and happy in the end typically possess a common trait…
They’re motivated by a specific goal!
Their success doesn’t hinge on athleticism. And it have very little to do with the injury itself…
The key for them is their determination to return to a specific activity they hold near and dear to their heart — ranging from sports to fitness to the great outdoors.
And not only that — they want to do it on their terms…
WITHOUT relying on pills each day…
WITHOUT constantly feeling broken down…
And WITHOUT the daily struggle just to keep up.
They want to thrive within their active lifestyle. They want to enjoy it!!!
Just surviving is frustrating…Are you ready to get back to THRIVING again?
Please remember…you’ll be hiring me to help you solve a problem that’s impacting your life!
Yes, you hire me…meaning I work FOR you. You and I become a team. But you’re the one in charge…we move forward together based on your goals. And at your pace!
My job is to lead you along the BEST path toward those goals.
So I need to know…what are we really working towards?
I’d like to hear your answer…my favorite way to start is for you and I to sit down for a Discovery Visit.
The Discovery Visit is a 30-minute consultation at no cost to you (as in 100% free!). It provides a chance for you to tell me what’s going on before I take you through the beginning stages of assessment. At that point I’ll be able to answer your questions and tell you what I see as being most important to fix (and why).
I’m sure you understand that out of respect for my paying clients, no treatment is provided at this Discovery Visit. Instead, the focus is getting your questions answered so you can feel more confident about making the choice that’s best for you…
The Discovery Visit is a simple step for you…
No doctor’s prescription is necessary. You don’t have to discuss it with your insurance. And there’s no financial obligation to you.
Don’t waste more time worrying and continue to suffer…Click the orange button above to get started setting up your free 30-minute Discovery Visit with me!
The Discovery Visit helps make sure you and I are on the same page before you begin investing your time and money. This is, after all, about you and your needs!
Let’s figure out your path and put an end to your frustration…
Just like these clients did!!!
“I have seen many different physical therapists over the past 6 years with little to no improvement. Within the first appointment, Todd was quick to correctly diagnose the root cause of my headaches. His solution was calculated and strategic. After minimal appointments I was nearing 100% and since then Todd has constantly checked in on my status through email offering insight and invaluable guidance.”
“To think that at one time I was lying flat on my back on a tennis court in excruciating pain; through my journey with Modern Athlete PT I am pain free, stronger, faster, have better balance, and have more confidence in my body than I did before my back injury. I’m back on the tennis court, thanks entirely to Todd.”