Can I Answer A Question For You? (847) 257-5172

We Can Help You Reach Your Goals Faster.

Let us show you what your body REALLY needs.

Work smarter, not harder.

Hi, I’m Todd:

What’s going on here?!

You’re totally correct — this website looks different from all the others in the rehab world. Much like my work with clients is going to be noticeably different from most…

And that’s a good thing for you!

If you’ve already tried therapy and didn’t get the results you needed, it wouldn’t make sense to want more of the same. Right?

My practice — and this website — aim to show you solutions you didn’t know were options.

Really, how were you supposed to know? Heck, I wasn’t even aware of these solutions 25 years ago when I started working with clients.

So if you want to feel your best and move well in your active life, read on.

Because most of the therapy options available to you provide only short-term reduction of symptoms, leaving the Real Problem unchanged. But the Real Problem is the cause of those symptoms.

You see, I didn’t understand this in my first years on the job, way back in 2000. I was all about treating the symptom — aka, making the “ouchie” go away.

And for the most part, I was pretty darn good at providing that.

I emphasized hands-on treatment to help reduce pain. Then followed that with a healthy dose of stretching and strengthening.

Sounds good, right?

Of course!

At the time, many of my clients thought so, too.

We celebrated their wins— improvements in strength, greater flexibility, feeling better…

All the things that seem to matter, at least on the surface.

But despite the celebrations, despite the wins, there were still too many losses for my liking.

Now, I wasn’t unrealistic in thinking that everyone could be fully healed. I wasn’t that naïve.

Sometimes a joint is just too badly damaged. Sometimes a disease process is just too powerful. Sometimes a client is just too uncommitted to their own well-being for physical therapy to have a chance.

But outside of those reasons, it didn’t fit with me to say, “Oh well, too bad, so sad. Who’s next?” Being a bit better was not the success they deserved. Not when they were still far from the active life they wanted.

I would be upset with myself (and for my client) when “simple” issues didn’t respond as expected…

Or when someone would have a new issue pop up as soon as a prior one was “fixed”.

I would be frustrated when my methods were the same as what someone already received at a different clinic (that didn’t make a change). How was someone with chronic or recurring issues supposed to find relief when treatment was the same from one place to another?

Something was missing in the “typical” care I was providing, but I couldn’t pinpoint it on my own.

And then, as luck would have it, about 14 years deep into my career, I was offered a glimpse of a new perspective.

(But it wasn’t “new”…I was late to the party.)

Anyway, this (*wink*) NEW perspective showed me the Real Problem and how to solve it.

Now I could see the specific reason keeping some people from getting over the hump

Why emphasizing strength didn’t yield the benefits that were promised to them…

Or why they couldn’t hold on to gains in flexibility

And (most importantly) why they couldn’t remain free of pain long enough to fully enjoy the activities they loved.

It was an Ah-Ha moment like I’d never experienced before — an explanation for what had previously been unexplainable.

It was exhilarating!

For me — and for the clients I’ve served since — seeing the human body and its function in a new light has been more empowering than I could have imagined.

Helping my clients achieve a more meaningful impact in their lives is what fuels me. It’s why I chose physical therapy as a profession all those years ago. It’s why I stopped working in “typical” PT clinics and opened my own clinic.

It’s my passion.

That passion is exactly what you’ll find in this work-in-progress website. And, if you decide I fit your needs, what you’ll find in our sessions together, as well.

My purpose is to look deep — down to the very foundation of how your body needs to function — so I can help you interrupt the problematic pattern and reboot more efficient and effective methods of control.

This is what will lead to you feeling better, moving better, and performing in life at your best.

These problematic patterns are at the heart of why you’ve routinely suffered problem after problem…

Or perhaps why you’ve carried a burden of tension, pain, or physical limitation through a big chunk of your life.

These problematic patterns are the Real Problem.

And here’s the kicker:

You likely don’t recognize these problematic patterns as “compensations” or “undesirable”. They avoided your detection because they occurred slowly over time. You’ve come to accept them as normal.

But it’s not your fault…

Healthcare, in general, has been heading in a troubling direction for far too long…

Maybe it’s an attitude problem of those in The Majority, both of those seeking the care and those providing it.

For example, the general public desires Quick & Easy. Healthcare providers follow suit. The result is a downward spiral into superficial-level care for everyone.

Plus, insurance companies have an influence on the care delivered to you.

Poor insurance reimbursement forces therapy businesses to rely on patient volume (two, three, or four patients per hour)

Which leads to the delivery of basic, watered-down treatment (because it’s the easiest treatment to provide)

With care focused only on the symptoms (completely ignoring the source of the problem).

This superficial-level care is hard to escape these days.

And while that might be accepted by The Majority — you know, people with minor issues who are content with band-aiding the Real Problem…

Should superficial-level care be forced on someone like you? Absolutely Not!

I think you, and others like you, should have the option to dive deeper into the solution. Especially when such important things are at stake.

I’m talking about securing the lifestyle of sports or activities that make you who you are. That’s BIG stuff.

Your needs shouldn’t be overlooked. Your needs shouldn’t fall through the cracks.

So can I ask…When was the last time someone truly searched for the source of your issue?

I pose that question because I want you to realize something…

The source of your issue is NOT lack of strength, lack of flexibility, or pain.

Those are all symptoms created by the Real Problem.

And don’t get me wrong, addressing the symptom IS important.

But treatment must also emphasize discovering AND correcting the root cause.

Otherwise you remain vulnerable to repeated issues, or the development of new issues. As I’m sure you know, the Carousel of Limitations and Pain isn’t a fun ride to be on.

I believe it’s my duty to provide something better. You deserve services that are more personal, more detailed, and more impactful.

Modern Athletes like us don’t want to settle for superficial tactics when pains and limitations are keeping us from enjoying life to the fullest.

We understand the tremendous value that comes from building a foundation first. Because our active lives need a movement system that properly supports our endeavors for years to come. We won’t accept anything less.

If this resonates with you, I’ve written a Manifesto that speaks to Modern Athletes like us.

You can check it out by clicking here — Reboot Performance: A Manifesto for Modern Athletes >>

Todd Bitzer, PT

Advocate for Modern Athletes like You

What People Say About Modern Athlete PT…

“Todd is an excellent therapist. I have been dealing with lower back stiffness for years and with his help I have reduced my stiffness and pain in half! And I don’t have to take any prescription or over-the-counter pills! Because of that, I am an all-around happier person, I feel so much better, I eat healthier, and best of all, I can workout, enjoy it, and not have all that stiffness.”


Round Lake (enjoys CrossFit & Bootcamp)

“The breathing regimen Todd gave me has eliminated all shoulder issues that had persisted for 3 years….that’s HUGE for me as a weightlifter.  I can now put weight overhead pain free and my strength has never been better.”


Chicago (enjoys CrossFit & Olympic Weightlifting)

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