I help Modern Athletes “reboot” their movement so they can live their best life, free from pain and limitation. This approach targets the root cause of symptoms, breaking the cycle of just managing them. Learn how to build a foundation that supports your sport or fitness lifestyle for years to come. Let me show you how to Reboot Performance.
Reboot Performance: A Manifesto for Modern Athletes — Stop Pain, Build Efficient Movement, & Live Your Best Active Life
The thoughts I’m going to express aren’t meant for everyone. Not at this particular moment, anyway…
Because not everyone is in The Struggle right now.
We get there at different times. In different ways. And we experience it in different ways.
Some might experience an issue that just won’t quit. Others experience an issue that worsens, then quiets, then worsens, over and over. Still others experience one issue that gets solved, only to be replaced by a new issue, over and over.
Either way, getting off of this carousel can feel overwhelming.
Not just because pain is, well…painful. That’s obvious.
What isn’t so obvious, though, is the emotional toll associated with prolonged pain, tension, and a body that feels limited (for lack of a better word).
This is more than frustrating.
It’s draining. Demoralizing.
But I want to lift your spirits. Because in all honesty, if this is you, I’d wager you haven’t been shown the right path yet.
And yes, that path does exist.
It’s just hard to see it when the status quo of the healthcare marketing machine is based upon Quick & Easy, even though those benefits are superficial and short-lived for far too many people.
My goal is to plant the seeds of possibility to Everyone — deeper changes are possible. But I know that The Majority won’t ditch Quick & Easy until they have first recognized the significance of Their Struggle.
When someone reaches that point they enter into The Minority Who Need More…
Those who are sick of accommodating to a “lesser” lifestyle…
Tired of feeling uncomfortable, tight, limited, and achy…
And stressed about “only making it worse”.
They have an immediate connection to the words, “The Struggle”. They know exactly how it feels.
If that’s you, I hope you’ll keep reading.
A bit of warning, though…The strategy I use is different from 95% of the other choices out there.
Of course, that’s a good thing for you…
More of the same doesn’t offer much help. Not when you’re struggling to regain control of the active lifestyle on the terms you want.
So how will this Manifesto be helpful to you right now?
Well, the content is expected to challenge how you currently see your pain, your prior efforts, and what you think is necessary in order to feel better and move better.
I’m offering a fresh perspective. By looking at an old problem from a new perspective, you’re going to see something you otherwise wouldn’t…
Or couldn’t.
I hope this Manifesto allows you to see the potential transformation your future could hold.
There’s still plenty of success to be had when armed with the right mindset and strategy.
And while a Mindset for discovery and personal growth is powerful, I’m going to leave that discussion for a different time.
Right now, I want to get into the Strategy.
You’ll see the Strategy unfold in the next four parts. I advise that you don’t hop around, but instead follow in order. It’ll be much more clear that way.
- Choices
- Hardware (Typical Therapy)
- Software (Solving the Real Problem)
Part II — Solving the Real Problem
- The Number One Task
- The Other Side of Midline
- The Foundation
- Interrupt the Pattern
- Formal and Informal Reboots