We give you the best tools and advice to vibrantly pursue the activities you love now and for many years to come…
Everything we do at Modern Athlete PT is designed for the active individual…
We believe a healthy, active body is a vessel towards a lifetime of happiness that every person deserves!
You need to be able to trust that your “vessel” will hold up and perform…and not have you paying the price afterwards.
Modern Athlete PT has an answer for you if…
You are frustrated by constantly feeling broken down…
You are tired of popping pills after sport or exercise just to keep up with the demands of your day…
You are struggling to complete your workout because of pain, stiffness, or a body that just won’t “cooperate”…
Or you are feeling your goals slipping out of reach because of limitations from pain, lack of mobility, awkward movements, or stagnant performance.
All services at Modern Athlete PT are a specialized fusion of rehab and performance techniques designed to get active individuals just like you back to AND thrive within your physically demanding lifestyle!
People who have found success with us include:
Weekend Warriors who want to be fit and ready for the next round of golf, a day of water-sports, or enjoying time with friends in the rec league after work…
Active Parents who know that playing with and caring for their kids is much easier and more enjoyable when they’re free of pain and stiffness…
Fitness Lovers who feel their workouts are just as important to get precious “me” time as they are to keep their body in shape…
CrossFitter’s and Gym Rats who want to keep pushing their body, reaching PR’s, and enjoying the camaraderie of the group without being told to “take a few weeks off”…
Olympic Weightlifters and Power Lifters who know that constantly pushing through the pain is NOT their beest choice and don’t want to rely on painkillers as a long-term option…
Competitive Athletes who are proud to be part of the team (high school, college, amateur adults, professional aspirations), and who know that resolving pain and stiffness will allow them to perform at their best AND help their team at the same time…
Outdoor Enthusiasts who crave the soul-soothing backdrop of nature and know their body needs to be firing on all cylinders to keep up with their internal drive for adventure…
Endurance Athletes who want to break free from the shackles of constantly feeling broken down and struggling to recover from one training session to the next…
Yoga and Pilates Enthusiasts who want to enhance the flow of their motion by removing pain or stiffness so their body (and mind) can reach new heights…
Are you interested to find out if we can help you reach your goals?
It can be intimidating when you aren’t sure which therapy clinic is right for you…There’s just so many options!
Whether you’ve already had (good or bad) experience with physical therapy…
Or if this is your first time needing help to resolve pain or improve performance…
I want you to feel confident about making the choice of what’s best for you so you can get back to what you love doing AND doing it the way YOU want…
I’d like to extend an offer so you can get some questions answered WITHOUT having to put money on the table.
Sound good?
Click the button below if you’d like to enquire about scheduling a free Discovery Visit to get your questions answered.
Yes, free…as in “we don’t charge you anything”.
The Discovery Visit is a 30-minute session that allows us to get to know one another. You’ll get to tell me what’s bothering you, what injuries you’ve had in the past, and what’s motivating you to get this problem solved.
After that, you’ll undergo the beginning stages of an assessment so I can tell you what barriers stand in your way to reaching your goals.
Of course, you understand that out of respect to my paying clients, no treatment will be provided. The Discovery Visit is about obtaining information…
✔ Am I a good fit for you…?
✔ What’s causing the problem…?
✔ What are your options for fixing the problem…?
✔ Do you feel comfortable about the path I would suggest for you…?
✔ And any other questions you may have…
There is NO obligation or pressure for you to schedule any additional sessions.
You don’t have to see a doctor first.
You don’t have to clear it with your insurance company.
And again, there is NO cost to you. All that’s needed is an investment of your time (30 minutes) and energy.
Get started today by clicking the button above to enquire about scheduling your 100% free Discovery Visit.
Who do we help…? Here’s just a few of the clients
who were tickled pink with their results…
“My initial meeting with him was one of the most comprehensive assessments I’ve ever done. I have had 3 ACL tears and 2 separate meniscus tears since 2007. Todd was able to pinpoint some mobility and movement problems I had immediately. I was finally able to find the direction I’ve been looking for to start improving myself. While I know these things are never an easy fix, I was encouraged when I started seeing results in my lifts and in my general movement.”
“Todd has helped me to learn to listen to my body and notice when compensations occur. He has helped me to improve my balance and stability. Not only did he address the root cause of the issues at hand, he educated me to be better equipped to manage my health. He has taught me proper breathing mechanics that are essential for everyone. Considering I have been a runner most of my life, it was surprising to learn that my breathing was so inefficient.”